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+ m_ReadOnly: 1 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: EditorSceneList + m_Address: EditorSceneList + m_ReadOnly: 1 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + m_ReadOnly: 1 + m_Settings: {fileID: 11400000, guid: a27fd004fb823a34a9ae690bdbfd496e, type: 2} + m_SchemaSet: + m_Schemas: + - {fileID: 11400000, guid: efa3c14c6be4b5f4fa3954b4671529ae, type: 2} diff --git a/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Built In Data.asset.meta b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Built In Data.asset.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..223beb5 --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Built In Data.asset.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: db8c6ce7cbbf3d646839e4546ec385f4 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 11400000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Characters.asset 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2} + m_SchemaSet: + m_Schemas: + - {fileID: 11400000, guid: 24716212565eae842bdd6d3f42c21ed8, type: 2} + - {fileID: 11400000, guid: fdbc26e3370c975448845b7d0ad308a1, type: 2} diff --git a/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Characters.asset.meta b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Characters.asset.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..97b2e1c --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Characters.asset.meta @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +fileFormatVersion: 2 +guid: 62f7d9fb3cd8ef849b8758e1cff24b01 +NativeFormatImporter: + externalObjects: {} + mainObjectFileID: 11400000 + userData: + assetBundleName: + assetBundleVariant: diff --git a/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Default Local Group.asset b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Default Local Group.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..323ec8a --- /dev/null +++ b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Default Local Group.asset @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!114 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e411647c61a75f848b33e8d1d72562af + m_SerializeEntries: + - m_GUID: d6e2601c4f144db459adb4f5e7affc65 + m_Address: Car_01 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 5527826a6315a224d850675a730c4f62 + m_Address: Crate_01 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 68eae0078d28b9d48bc61656880bdf5f + m_Address: Car_02 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 548b4dbf5bb6de04d85958c762647bf7 + m_Address: Car_03 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 3784d26b12d13a74ab9afa99cfea685f + m_Address: Car_04 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 37e681eb08549004c9d9c2be529cbf54 + m_Address: Cone_01 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: ef677c65b4dfdd44ebc94ccfe080198a + m_Address: Cone_02 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: a98680739a04d5b41a6da75ed1268ccb + m_Address: Cone_03 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: cd1292d32475fca48a5fe3ff47cddcee + m_Address: Cone_04 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 184f13d29c849304a89b32f159afe86e + m_Address: Crate_02 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: d3bdde3a98e1c7c49a13c18e85898846 + m_Address: Crate_03 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 4618652b215d79940bebfd1702bcee6e + m_Address: Crate_04 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: bbea6872df405a045862b0d1f277c5ac + m_Address: Plane_01 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 79d610ee82cdb9f44a7c686cce395caa + m_Address: Plane_02 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: 21c9bc0b9f916b74ebf3bd0695d59f20 + m_Address: Plane_03 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + - m_GUID: d9b47509b4a59874482d7acb79c9fd01 + m_Address: Plane_04 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_SerializedLabels: [] + FlaggedDuringContentUpdateRestriction: 0 + m_ReadOnly: 0 + m_Settings: {fileID: 11400000, guid: a27fd004fb823a34a9ae690bdbfd496e, type: 2} + m_SchemaSet: + m_Schemas: + - {fileID: 11400000, guid: 7551eb49000373949ad95de514859526, type: 2} + - {fileID: 11400000, guid: a020bc537dcc2564b965839e931ddae4, type: 2} diff --git a/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Props.asset.meta b/Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AssetGroups/Props.asset.meta new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ce6327a --- /dev/null +++ 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sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Fire2 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: left alt + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: mouse 1 + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Fire3 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: left shift + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: mouse 2 + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Jump + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: space + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Mouse X + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0.1 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 1 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Mouse Y + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0.1 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 1 + axis: 1 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Mouse ScrollWheel + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0.1 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 1 + axis: 2 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Horizontal + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 0 + dead: 0.19 + sensitivity: 1 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 2 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Vertical + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 0 + dead: 0.19 + sensitivity: 1 + snap: 0 + invert: 1 + type: 2 + axis: 1 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Fire1 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: joystick button 0 + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Fire2 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: joystick button 1 + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Fire3 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: joystick button 2 + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Jump + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: joystick button 3 + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Submit + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: return + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 0 + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Submit + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: enter + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: space + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Cancel + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: escape + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Enable Debug Button 1 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: left ctrl + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 8 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Enable Debug Button 2 + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: backspace + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 9 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Reset + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: left alt + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 1 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Next + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: page down + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 5 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Previous + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: page up + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 4 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Validate + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: return + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 0 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Persistent + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: right shift + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 2 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Multiplier + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: + positiveButton: left shift + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: joystick button 3 + gravity: 0 + dead: 0 + sensitivity: 0 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Horizontal + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: left + positiveButton: right + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Vertical + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: down + positiveButton: up + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 0 + axis: 0 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Vertical + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: down + positiveButton: up + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 2 + axis: 6 + joyNum: 0 + - serializedVersion: 3 + m_Name: Debug Horizontal + descriptiveName: + descriptiveNegativeName: + negativeButton: left + positiveButton: right + altNegativeButton: + altPositiveButton: + gravity: 1000 + dead: 0.001 + sensitivity: 1000 + snap: 0 + invert: 0 + type: 2 + axis: 5 + joyNum: 0 diff --git a/ProjectSettings/MemorySettings.asset b/ProjectSettings/MemorySettings.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5b5face --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/MemorySettings.asset @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!387306366 &1 +MemorySettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + m_EditorMemorySettings: + m_MainAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_ThreadAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_MainGfxBlockSize: -1 + m_ThreadGfxBlockSize: -1 + m_CacheBlockSize: -1 + m_TypetreeBlockSize: -1 + m_ProfilerBlockSize: -1 + m_ProfilerEditorBlockSize: -1 + m_BucketAllocatorGranularity: -1 + m_BucketAllocatorBucketsCount: -1 + m_BucketAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_BucketAllocatorBlockCount: -1 + m_ProfilerBucketAllocatorGranularity: -1 + m_ProfilerBucketAllocatorBucketsCount: -1 + m_ProfilerBucketAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_ProfilerBucketAllocatorBlockCount: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeMain: -1 + m_JobTempAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_BackgroundJobTempAllocatorBlockSize: -1 + m_JobTempAllocatorReducedBlockSize: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeGIBakingWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeNavMeshWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeAudioWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeCloudWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeGfx: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeJobWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizeBackgroundWorker: -1 + m_TempAllocatorSizePreloadManager: -1 + m_PlatformMemorySettings: {} diff --git a/ProjectSettings/NavMeshAreas.asset b/ProjectSettings/NavMeshAreas.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3b0b7c3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/NavMeshAreas.asset @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!126 &1 +NavMeshProjectSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + areas: + - name: Walkable + cost: 1 + - name: Not Walkable + cost: 1 + - name: Jump + cost: 2 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + - name: + cost: 1 + m_LastAgentTypeID: -887442657 + m_Settings: + - serializedVersion: 2 + agentTypeID: 0 + agentRadius: 0.5 + agentHeight: 2 + agentSlope: 45 + agentClimb: 0.75 + ledgeDropHeight: 0 + maxJumpAcrossDistance: 0 + minRegionArea: 2 + manualCellSize: 0 + cellSize: 0.16666667 + manualTileSize: 0 + tileSize: 256 + accuratePlacement: 0 + debug: + m_Flags: 0 + m_SettingNames: + - Humanoid diff --git a/ProjectSettings/PackageManagerSettings.asset b/ProjectSettings/PackageManagerSettings.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..73f23df --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/PackageManagerSettings.asset @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!114 &1 +MonoBehaviour: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 61 + m_CorrespondingSourceObject: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabInstance: {fileID: 0} + m_PrefabAsset: {fileID: 0} + m_GameObject: {fileID: 0} + m_Enabled: 1 + m_EditorHideFlags: 0 + m_Script: {fileID: 13964, guid: 0000000000000000e000000000000000, type: 0} + m_Name: + m_EditorClassIdentifier: + m_EnablePreReleasePackages: 0 + m_AdvancedSettingsExpanded: 1 + m_ScopedRegistriesSettingsExpanded: 1 + m_SeeAllPackageVersions: 0 + m_DismissPreviewPackagesInUse: 0 + oneTimeWarningShown: 0 + m_Registries: + - m_Id: main + m_Name: + m_Url: https://packages.unity.com + m_Scopes: [] + m_IsDefault: 1 + m_Capabilities: 7 + m_ConfigSource: 0 + m_UserSelectedRegistryName: + m_UserAddingNewScopedRegistry: 0 + m_RegistryInfoDraft: + m_Modified: 0 + m_ErrorMessage: + m_UserModificationsInstanceId: -834 + m_OriginalInstanceId: -836 + m_LoadAssets: -1 diff --git a/ProjectSettings/Physics2DSettings.asset b/ProjectSettings/Physics2DSettings.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6c5cf8a --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/Physics2DSettings.asset @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!19 &1 +Physics2DSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 4 + m_Gravity: {x: 0, y: -9.81} + m_DefaultMaterial: {fileID: 0} + m_VelocityIterations: 8 + m_PositionIterations: 3 + m_VelocityThreshold: 1 + m_MaxLinearCorrection: 0.2 + m_MaxAngularCorrection: 8 + m_MaxTranslationSpeed: 100 + m_MaxRotationSpeed: 360 + m_BaumgarteScale: 0.2 + m_BaumgarteTimeOfImpactScale: 0.75 + m_TimeToSleep: 0.5 + m_LinearSleepTolerance: 0.01 + m_AngularSleepTolerance: 2 + m_DefaultContactOffset: 0.01 + m_JobOptions: + serializedVersion: 2 + useMultithreading: 0 + useConsistencySorting: 0 + m_InterpolationPosesPerJob: 100 + m_NewContactsPerJob: 30 + m_CollideContactsPerJob: 100 + m_ClearFlagsPerJob: 200 + m_ClearBodyForcesPerJob: 200 + m_SyncDiscreteFixturesPerJob: 50 + m_SyncContinuousFixturesPerJob: 50 + m_FindNearestContactsPerJob: 100 + m_UpdateTriggerContactsPerJob: 100 + m_IslandSolverCostThreshold: 100 + m_IslandSolverBodyCostScale: 1 + m_IslandSolverContactCostScale: 10 + m_IslandSolverJointCostScale: 10 + m_IslandSolverBodiesPerJob: 50 + m_IslandSolverContactsPerJob: 50 + m_AutoSimulation: 1 + m_QueriesHitTriggers: 1 + m_QueriesStartInColliders: 1 + m_CallbacksOnDisable: 1 + m_ReuseCollisionCallbacks: 0 + m_AutoSyncTransforms: 0 + m_AlwaysShowColliders: 0 + m_ShowColliderSleep: 1 + m_ShowColliderContacts: 0 + m_ShowColliderAABB: 0 + m_ContactArrowScale: 0.2 + m_ColliderAwakeColor: {r: 0.5686275, g: 0.95686275, b: 0.54509807, a: 0.7529412} + m_ColliderAsleepColor: {r: 0.5686275, g: 0.95686275, b: 0.54509807, a: 0.36078432} + m_ColliderContactColor: {r: 1, g: 0, b: 1, a: 0.6862745} + m_ColliderAABBColor: {r: 1, g: 1, b: 0, a: 0.2509804} + m_LayerCollisionMatrix: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff diff --git a/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset b/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..67a94da --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/PresetManager.asset @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!1386491679 &1 +PresetManager: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 2 + m_DefaultPresets: {} diff --git a/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset b/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f6b6502 --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/ProjectSettings.asset @@ -0,0 +1,922 @@ +%YAML 1.1 +%TAG !u! tag:unity3d.com,2011: +--- !u!129 &1 +PlayerSettings: + m_ObjectHideFlags: 0 + serializedVersion: 26 + productGUID: a47988655ba0f8b43b00750012f5b40b + AndroidProfiler: 0 + AndroidFilterTouchesWhenObscured: 0 + AndroidEnableSustainedPerformanceMode: 0 + defaultScreenOrientation: 4 + targetDevice: 2 + useOnDemandResources: 0 + accelerometerFrequency: 60 + companyName: DefaultCompany + productName: MiniGame-PushPush + defaultCursor: {fileID: 0} + cursorHotspot: {x: 0, y: 0} + m_SplashScreenBackgroundColor: {r: 0.13725491, g: 0.12156863, b: 0.1254902, a: 1} + m_ShowUnitySplashScreen: 1 + m_ShowUnitySplashLogo: 1 + m_SplashScreenOverlayOpacity: 1 + m_SplashScreenAnimation: 1 + m_SplashScreenLogoStyle: 1 + m_SplashScreenDrawMode: 0 + m_SplashScreenBackgroundAnimationZoom: 1 + m_SplashScreenLogoAnimationZoom: 1 + m_SplashScreenBackgroundLandscapeAspect: 1 + m_SplashScreenBackgroundPortraitAspect: 1 + m_SplashScreenBackgroundLandscapeUvs: + serializedVersion: 2 + x: 0 + y: 0 + width: 1 + height: 1 + m_SplashScreenBackgroundPortraitUvs: + serializedVersion: 2 + x: 0 + y: 0 + width: 1 + height: 1 + m_SplashScreenLogos: [] + m_VirtualRealitySplashScreen: {fileID: 0} + m_HolographicTrackingLossScreen: {fileID: 0} + defaultScreenWidth: 1024 + defaultScreenHeight: 768 + defaultScreenWidthWeb: 960 + defaultScreenHeightWeb: 600 + m_StereoRenderingPath: 0 + m_ActiveColorSpace: 1 + m_SpriteBatchVertexThreshold: 300 + m_MTRendering: 1 + mipStripping: 0 + numberOfMipsStripped: 0 + numberOfMipsStrippedPerMipmapLimitGroup: {} + m_StackTraceTypes: 010000000100000001000000010000000100000001000000 + iosShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: -1 + androidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: -1 + iosUseCustomAppBackgroundBehavior: 0 + allowedAutorotateToPortrait: 1 + allowedAutorotateToPortraitUpsideDown: 1 + allowedAutorotateToLandscapeRight: 1 + allowedAutorotateToLandscapeLeft: 1 + useOSAutorotation: 1 + use32BitDisplayBuffer: 1 + preserveFramebufferAlpha: 0 + disableDepthAndStencilBuffers: 0 + androidStartInFullscreen: 1 + androidRenderOutsideSafeArea: 1 + androidUseSwappy: 0 + androidBlitType: 0 + androidResizableWindow: 0 + androidDefaultWindowWidth: 1920 + androidDefaultWindowHeight: 1080 + androidMinimumWindowWidth: 400 + androidMinimumWindowHeight: 300 + androidFullscreenMode: 1 + defaultIsNativeResolution: 1 + macRetinaSupport: 1 + runInBackground: 0 + captureSingleScreen: 0 + muteOtherAudioSources: 0 + Prepare IOS For Recording: 0 + Force IOS Speakers When Recording: 0 + deferSystemGesturesMode: 0 + hideHomeButton: 0 + submitAnalytics: 1 + usePlayerLog: 1 + dedicatedServerOptimizations: 0 + bakeCollisionMeshes: 0 + forceSingleInstance: 0 + useFlipModelSwapchain: 1 + resizableWindow: 0 + useMacAppStoreValidation: 0 + macAppStoreCategory: public.app-category.games + gpuSkinning: 1 + xboxPIXTextureCapture: 0 + xboxEnableAvatar: 0 + xboxEnableKinect: 0 + xboxEnableKinectAutoTracking: 0 + xboxEnableFitness: 0 + visibleInBackground: 1 + allowFullscreenSwitch: 1 + fullscreenMode: 1 + xboxSpeechDB: 0 + xboxEnableHeadOrientation: 0 + xboxEnableGuest: 0 + xboxEnablePIXSampling: 0 + metalFramebufferOnly: 0 + xboxOneResolution: 0 + xboxOneSResolution: 0 + xboxOneXResolution: 3 + xboxOneMonoLoggingLevel: 0 + xboxOneLoggingLevel: 1 + xboxOneDisableEsram: 0 + xboxOneEnableTypeOptimization: 0 + xboxOnePresentImmediateThreshold: 0 + switchQueueCommandMemory: 1048576 + switchQueueControlMemory: 16384 + switchQueueComputeMemory: 262144 + switchNVNShaderPoolsGranularity: 33554432 + switchNVNDefaultPoolsGranularity: 16777216 + switchNVNOtherPoolsGranularity: 16777216 + switchGpuScratchPoolGranularity: 2097152 + switchAllowGpuScratchShrinking: 0 + switchNVNMaxPublicTextureIDCount: 0 + switchNVNMaxPublicSamplerIDCount: 0 + switchNVNGraphicsFirmwareMemory: 32 + switchMaxWorkerMultiple: 8 + stadiaPresentMode: 0 + stadiaTargetFramerate: 0 + vulkanNumSwapchainBuffers: 3 + vulkanEnableSetSRGBWrite: 0 + vulkanEnablePreTransform: 1 + vulkanEnableLateAcquireNextImage: 0 + vulkanEnableCommandBufferRecycling: 1 + loadStoreDebugModeEnabled: 0 + bundleVersion: 0.1.0 + preloadedAssets: [] + metroInputSource: 0 + wsaTransparentSwapchain: 0 + m_HolographicPauseOnTrackingLoss: 1 + xboxOneDisableKinectGpuReservation: 1 + xboxOneEnable7thCore: 1 + vrSettings: + enable360StereoCapture: 0 + isWsaHolographicRemotingEnabled: 0 + enableFrameTimingStats: 0 + enableOpenGLProfilerGPURecorders: 1 + useHDRDisplay: 0 + hdrBitDepth: 0 + m_ColorGamuts: 00000000 + targetPixelDensity: 30 + resolutionScalingMode: 0 + resetResolutionOnWindowResize: 0 + androidSupportedAspectRatio: 1 + androidMaxAspectRatio: 2.1 + applicationIdentifier: + Android: com.UnityTechnologies.com.unity.template.urpblank + Standalone: com.Unity-Technologies.com.unity.template.urp-blank + iPhone: com.Unity-Technologies.com.unity.template.urp-blank + buildNumber: + Standalone: 0 + VisionOS: 0 + iPhone: 0 + tvOS: 0 + overrideDefaultApplicationIdentifier: 1 + AndroidBundleVersionCode: 1 + AndroidMinSdkVersion: 22 + AndroidTargetSdkVersion: 0 + AndroidPreferredInstallLocation: 1 + aotOptions: + stripEngineCode: 1 + iPhoneStrippingLevel: 0 + iPhoneScriptCallOptimization: 0 + ForceInternetPermission: 0 + ForceSDCardPermission: 0 + CreateWallpaper: 0 + APKExpansionFiles: 0 + keepLoadedShadersAlive: 0 + StripUnusedMeshComponents: 0 + strictShaderVariantMatching: 0 + VertexChannelCompressionMask: 4054 + iPhoneSdkVersion: 988 + iOSTargetOSVersionString: 12.0 + tvOSSdkVersion: 0 + tvOSRequireExtendedGameController: 0 + tvOSTargetOSVersionString: 12.0 + VisionOSSdkVersion: 0 + VisionOSTargetOSVersionString: 1.0 + uIPrerenderedIcon: 0 + uIRequiresPersistentWiFi: 0 + uIRequiresFullScreen: 1 + uIStatusBarHidden: 1 + uIExitOnSuspend: 0 + uIStatusBarStyle: 0 + appleTVSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} + appleTVSplashScreen2x: {fileID: 0} + tvOSSmallIconLayers: [] + tvOSSmallIconLayers2x: [] + tvOSLargeIconLayers: [] + tvOSLargeIconLayers2x: [] + tvOSTopShelfImageLayers: [] + tvOSTopShelfImageLayers2x: [] + tvOSTopShelfImageWideLayers: [] + tvOSTopShelfImageWideLayers2x: [] + iOSLaunchScreenType: 0 + iOSLaunchScreenPortrait: {fileID: 0} + iOSLaunchScreenLandscape: {fileID: 0} + iOSLaunchScreenBackgroundColor: + serializedVersion: 2 + rgba: 0 + iOSLaunchScreenFillPct: 100 + iOSLaunchScreenSize: 100 + iOSLaunchScreenCustomXibPath: + iOSLaunchScreeniPadType: 0 + iOSLaunchScreeniPadImage: {fileID: 0} + iOSLaunchScreeniPadBackgroundColor: + serializedVersion: 2 + rgba: 0 + iOSLaunchScreeniPadFillPct: 100 + iOSLaunchScreeniPadSize: 100 + iOSLaunchScreeniPadCustomXibPath: + iOSLaunchScreenCustomStoryboardPath: + iOSLaunchScreeniPadCustomStoryboardPath: + iOSDeviceRequirements: [] + iOSURLSchemes: [] + macOSURLSchemes: [] + iOSBackgroundModes: 0 + iOSMetalForceHardShadows: 0 + metalEditorSupport: 1 + metalAPIValidation: 1 + iOSRenderExtraFrameOnPause: 0 + iosCopyPluginsCodeInsteadOfSymlink: 0 + appleDeveloperTeamID: + iOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileID: + tvOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileID: + VisionOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileID: + iOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileType: 0 + tvOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileType: 0 + VisionOSManualSigningProvisioningProfileType: 0 + appleEnableAutomaticSigning: 0 + iOSRequireARKit: 0 + iOSAutomaticallyDetectAndAddCapabilities: 1 + appleEnableProMotion: 0 + shaderPrecisionModel: 0 + clonedFromGUID: 3c72c65a16f0acb438eed22b8b16c24a + templatePackageId: com.unity.template.urp-blank@3.0.2 + templateDefaultScene: Assets/Scenes/SampleScene.unity + useCustomMainManifest: 0 + useCustomLauncherManifest: 0 + useCustomMainGradleTemplate: 0 + useCustomLauncherGradleManifest: 0 + useCustomBaseGradleTemplate: 0 + useCustomGradlePropertiesTemplate: 0 + useCustomGradleSettingsTemplate: 0 + useCustomProguardFile: 0 + AndroidTargetArchitectures: 1 + AndroidTargetDevices: 0 + AndroidSplashScreenScale: 0 + androidSplashScreen: {fileID: 0} + AndroidKeystoreName: + AndroidKeyaliasName: + AndroidEnableArmv9SecurityFeatures: 0 + AndroidBuildApkPerCpuArchitecture: 0 + AndroidTVCompatibility: 0 + AndroidIsGame: 1 + AndroidEnableTango: 0 + androidEnableBanner: 1 + androidUseLowAccuracyLocation: 0 + androidUseCustomKeystore: 0 + m_AndroidBanners: + - width: 320 + height: 180 + banner: {fileID: 0} + androidGamepadSupportLevel: 0 + chromeosInputEmulation: 1 + AndroidMinifyRelease: 0 + AndroidMinifyDebug: 0 + AndroidValidateAppBundleSize: 1 + AndroidAppBundleSizeToValidate: 150 + m_BuildTargetIcons: [] + m_BuildTargetPlatformIcons: + - m_BuildTarget: iPhone + m_Icons: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 180 + m_Height: 180 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 120 + m_Height: 120 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 167 + m_Height: 167 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 152 + m_Height: 152 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 76 + m_Height: 76 + m_Kind: 0 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 120 + m_Height: 120 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 80 + m_Height: 80 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 80 + m_Height: 80 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 3 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 87 + m_Height: 87 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 58 + m_Height: 58 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 29 + m_Height: 29 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 58 + m_Height: 58 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 29 + m_Height: 29 + m_Kind: 1 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 60 + m_Height: 60 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPhone + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 40 + m_Height: 40 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 20 + m_Height: 20 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: iPad + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 1024 + m_Height: 1024 + m_Kind: 4 + m_SubKind: App Store + - m_BuildTarget: Android + m_Icons: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 432 + m_Height: 432 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 324 + m_Height: 324 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 216 + m_Height: 216 + m_Kind: 2 + m_SubKind: + - m_Textures: [] + m_Width: 162 + m_Height: 162 + 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switchNetLibKey: + switchSocketMemoryPoolSize: 6144 + switchSocketAllocatorPoolSize: 128 + switchSocketConcurrencyLimit: 14 + switchScreenResolutionBehavior: 2 + switchUseCPUProfiler: 0 + switchUseGOLDLinker: 0 + switchLTOSetting: 0 + switchApplicationID: 0x01004b9000490000 + switchNSODependencies: + switchCompilerFlags: + switchTitleNames_0: + switchTitleNames_1: + switchTitleNames_2: + switchTitleNames_3: + switchTitleNames_4: + switchTitleNames_5: + switchTitleNames_6: + switchTitleNames_7: + switchTitleNames_8: + switchTitleNames_9: + switchTitleNames_10: + switchTitleNames_11: + switchTitleNames_12: + switchTitleNames_13: + switchTitleNames_14: + switchTitleNames_15: + switchPublisherNames_0: + switchPublisherNames_1: + switchPublisherNames_2: + switchPublisherNames_3: + switchPublisherNames_4: + switchPublisherNames_5: + switchPublisherNames_6: + switchPublisherNames_7: + switchPublisherNames_8: + switchPublisherNames_9: + switchPublisherNames_10: + switchPublisherNames_11: + 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switchLocalCommunicationIds_0: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_1: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_2: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_3: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_4: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_5: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_6: + switchLocalCommunicationIds_7: + switchParentalControl: 0 + switchAllowsScreenshot: 1 + switchAllowsVideoCapturing: 1 + switchAllowsRuntimeAddOnContentInstall: 0 + switchDataLossConfirmation: 0 + switchUserAccountLockEnabled: 0 + switchSystemResourceMemory: 16777216 + switchSupportedNpadStyles: 22 + switchNativeFsCacheSize: 32 + switchIsHoldTypeHorizontal: 0 + switchSupportedNpadCount: 8 + switchEnableTouchScreen: 1 + switchSocketConfigEnabled: 0 + switchTcpInitialSendBufferSize: 32 + switchTcpInitialReceiveBufferSize: 64 + switchTcpAutoSendBufferSizeMax: 256 + switchTcpAutoReceiveBufferSizeMax: 256 + switchUdpSendBufferSize: 9 + switchUdpReceiveBufferSize: 42 + switchSocketBufferEfficiency: 4 + switchSocketInitializeEnabled: 1 + 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ps4attribShareSupport: 0 + ps4attribExclusiveVR: 0 + ps4disableAutoHideSplash: 0 + ps4videoRecordingFeaturesUsed: 0 + ps4contentSearchFeaturesUsed: 0 + ps4CompatibilityPS5: 0 + ps4AllowPS5Detection: 0 + ps4GPU800MHz: 1 + ps4attribEyeToEyeDistanceSettingVR: 0 + ps4IncludedModules: [] + ps4attribVROutputEnabled: 0 + monoEnv: + splashScreenBackgroundSourceLandscape: {fileID: 0} + splashScreenBackgroundSourcePortrait: {fileID: 0} + blurSplashScreenBackground: 1 + spritePackerPolicy: + webGLMemorySize: 32 + webGLExceptionSupport: 1 + webGLNameFilesAsHashes: 0 + webGLShowDiagnostics: 0 + webGLDataCaching: 1 + webGLDebugSymbols: 0 + webGLEmscriptenArgs: + webGLModulesDirectory: + webGLTemplate: APPLICATION:Default + webGLAnalyzeBuildSize: 0 + webGLUseEmbeddedResources: 0 + webGLCompressionFormat: 0 + webGLWasmArithmeticExceptions: 0 + webGLLinkerTarget: 1 + webGLThreadsSupport: 0 + webGLDecompressionFallback: 0 + webGLInitialMemorySize: 32 + webGLMaximumMemorySize: 2048 + webGLMemoryGrowthMode: 2 + webGLMemoryLinearGrowthStep: 16 + webGLMemoryGeometricGrowthStep: 0.2 + webGLMemoryGeometricGrowthCap: 96 + webGLPowerPreference: 2 + scriptingDefineSymbols: {} + additionalCompilerArguments: {} + platformArchitecture: {} + scriptingBackend: {} + il2cppCompilerConfiguration: {} + il2cppCodeGeneration: {} + managedStrippingLevel: + EmbeddedLinux: 1 + GameCoreScarlett: 1 + GameCoreXboxOne: 1 + Nintendo Switch: 1 + PS4: 1 + PS5: 1 + QNX: 1 + Stadia: 1 + VisionOS: 1 + WebGL: 1 + Windows Store Apps: 1 + XboxOne: 1 + iPhone: 1 + tvOS: 1 + incrementalIl2cppBuild: {} + suppressCommonWarnings: 1 + allowUnsafeCode: 0 + useDeterministicCompilation: 1 + additionalIl2CppArgs: + scriptingRuntimeVersion: 1 + gcIncremental: 0 + gcWBarrierValidation: 0 + apiCompatibilityLevelPerPlatform: {} + m_RenderingPath: 1 + m_MobileRenderingPath: 1 + metroPackageName: MiniGame-PushPush + metroPackageVersion: + metroCertificatePath: + metroCertificatePassword: + metroCertificateSubject: + metroCertificateIssuer: + metroCertificateNotAfter: 0000000000000000 + metroApplicationDescription: MiniGame-PushPush + wsaImages: {} + metroTileShortName: + metroTileShowName: 0 + metroMediumTileShowName: 0 + metroLargeTileShowName: 0 + metroWideTileShowName: 0 + metroSupportStreamingInstall: 0 + metroLastRequiredScene: 0 + metroDefaultTileSize: 1 + metroTileForegroundText: 2 + metroTileBackgroundColor: {r: 0.13333334, g: 0.17254902, b: 0.21568628, a: 0} + metroSplashScreenBackgroundColor: {r: 0.12941177, g: 0.17254902, b: 0.21568628, + a: 1} + metroSplashScreenUseBackgroundColor: 0 + platformCapabilities: {} + metroTargetDeviceFamilies: {} + metroFTAName: + metroFTAFileTypes: [] + metroProtocolName: + vcxProjDefaultLanguage: + XboxOneProductId: + XboxOneUpdateKey: + XboxOneSandboxId: + XboxOneContentId: + XboxOneTitleId: + XboxOneSCId: + XboxOneGameOsOverridePath: + XboxOnePackagingOverridePath: + XboxOneAppManifestOverridePath: + XboxOneVersion: + XboxOnePackageEncryption: 0 + 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shadowDistance: 20 + shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 + shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 + shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} + shadowmaskMode: 0 + skinWeights: 2 + globalTextureMipmapLimit: 0 + textureMipmapLimitSettings: [] + anisotropicTextures: 0 + antiAliasing: 0 + softParticles: 0 + softVegetation: 0 + realtimeReflectionProbes: 0 + billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 0 + useLegacyDetailDistribution: 1 + vSyncCount: 0 + realtimeGICPUUsage: 25 + lodBias: 0.4 + maximumLODLevel: 0 + enableLODCrossFade: 1 + streamingMipmapsActive: 0 + streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 + streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 + streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 + streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 + streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 + particleRaycastBudget: 4 + asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 + asyncUploadBufferSize: 16 + asyncUploadPersistentBuffer: 1 + resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 + customRenderPipeline: {fileID: 11400000, guid: d49928d3e6aaccc48bad4df939ce5cb5, + type: 2} + terrainQualityOverrides: 0 + terrainPixelError: 1 + terrainDetailDensityScale: 1 + terrainBasemapDistance: 1000 + terrainDetailDistance: 80 + terrainTreeDistance: 5000 + terrainBillboardStart: 50 + terrainFadeLength: 5 + terrainMaxTrees: 50 + excludedTargetPlatforms: [] + - serializedVersion: 3 + name: Balanced + pixelLightCount: 1 + shadows: 1 + shadowResolution: 0 + shadowProjection: 1 + shadowCascades: 1 + shadowDistance: 20 + shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 + shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 + shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} + shadowmaskMode: 0 + skinWeights: 4 + globalTextureMipmapLimit: 0 + textureMipmapLimitSettings: [] + anisotropicTextures: 1 + antiAliasing: 0 + softParticles: 0 + softVegetation: 0 + realtimeReflectionProbes: 0 + billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 0 + useLegacyDetailDistribution: 1 + vSyncCount: 1 + realtimeGICPUUsage: 25 + lodBias: 1 + maximumLODLevel: 0 + enableLODCrossFade: 1 + streamingMipmapsActive: 0 + streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 + streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 + streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 + streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 + streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 + particleRaycastBudget: 64 + asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 + asyncUploadBufferSize: 16 + asyncUploadPersistentBuffer: 1 + resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 + customRenderPipeline: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 0ac48353e35a4864d8fe230a9385ef2c, + type: 2} + terrainQualityOverrides: 0 + terrainPixelError: 1 + terrainDetailDensityScale: 1 + terrainBasemapDistance: 1000 + terrainDetailDistance: 80 + terrainTreeDistance: 5000 + terrainBillboardStart: 50 + terrainFadeLength: 5 + terrainMaxTrees: 50 + excludedTargetPlatforms: [] + - serializedVersion: 3 + name: High Fidelity + pixelLightCount: 2 + shadows: 2 + shadowResolution: 1 + shadowProjection: 1 + shadowCascades: 2 + shadowDistance: 40 + shadowNearPlaneOffset: 3 + shadowCascade2Split: 0.33333334 + shadowCascade4Split: {x: 0.06666667, y: 0.2, z: 0.46666667} + shadowmaskMode: 1 + skinWeights: 255 + globalTextureMipmapLimit: 0 + textureMipmapLimitSettings: [] + anisotropicTextures: 2 + antiAliasing: 4 + softParticles: 0 + softVegetation: 1 + realtimeReflectionProbes: 1 + billboardsFaceCameraPosition: 1 + useLegacyDetailDistribution: 1 + vSyncCount: 1 + realtimeGICPUUsage: 25 + lodBias: 2 + maximumLODLevel: 0 + enableLODCrossFade: 1 + streamingMipmapsActive: 0 + streamingMipmapsAddAllCameras: 1 + streamingMipmapsMemoryBudget: 512 + streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame: 512 + streamingMipmapsMaxLevelReduction: 2 + streamingMipmapsMaxFileIORequests: 1024 + particleRaycastBudget: 2048 + asyncUploadTimeSlice: 2 + asyncUploadBufferSize: 16 + asyncUploadPersistentBuffer: 1 + resolutionScalingFixedDPIFactor: 1 + customRenderPipeline: {fileID: 11400000, guid: 097174181a16dc843a1fea629cfa7cc0, + type: 2} + terrainQualityOverrides: 0 + terrainPixelError: 1 + terrainDetailDensityScale: 1 + terrainBasemapDistance: 1000 + terrainDetailDistance: 80 + terrainTreeDistance: 5000 + terrainBillboardStart: 50 + terrainFadeLength: 5 + terrainMaxTrees: 50 + excludedTargetPlatforms: [] + m_TextureMipmapLimitGroupNames: [] + m_PerPlatformDefaultQuality: + Android: 1 + CloudRendering: 2 + GameCoreScarlett: 2 + GameCoreXboxOne: 2 + Lumin: 2 + Nintendo Switch: 2 + PS4: 2 + PS5: 2 + Server: 0 + Stadia: 2 + Standalone: 2 + WebGL: 1 + Windows Store Apps: 2 + XboxOne: 2 + iPhone: 1 + tvOS: 1 diff --git a/ProjectSettings/SceneTemplateSettings.json b/ProjectSettings/SceneTemplateSettings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6f3e60f --- /dev/null +++ b/ProjectSettings/SceneTemplateSettings.json @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +{ + "templatePinStates": [], + "dependencyTypeInfos": [ + { + "userAdded": false, + "type": "UnityEngine.AnimationClip", + "ignore": false, + "defaultInstantiationMode": 0, + "supportsModification": true + }, + { + "userAdded": false, + "type": "UnityEditor.Animations.AnimatorController", + "ignore": false, + "defaultInstantiationMode": 0, + "supportsModification": 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